Posts tagged with moles

Moles are small, black or grey furry mammals that live underground on any moist or sandy soil that is easy to dig. They are known to create dirt mounds and unsightly ridges on gardens. They are found in parks, forests, golf course pastures, gardens, park and other place with soft moist or sandy soils. Moles cause destruction and for this reason they are considered pests. If you have moles in your garden and wondering what to do with them, there are ways of preventing moles from invading your garden so you need not be worried about preventing or getting rid of them. We went straight to the source and asked what professionals use to remove moles. We asked wildlife control Hamilton specialists for some tips. So here are some of the ways that you can use to prevent moles from invading your garden.


You can trap moles in spring and early autumn after heavy rains because during these times, they are easy to catch as they do not dig deeper tunnels. This is the best method that experts consider being most effective. The best two mole traps that you can easily get at a hardware store are scissor law and harpoon. You will need to follow the directions on how to use them so as to keep yourself and your family safe. The traps are placed on the moles active runs. Read the rest of this entry »